The Right to Read Screening & Legislator Panel

Scroll through the video library below to watch the opening remarks, full-length documentary, panel discussion, and closing remarks from our January 28 event at the Whitaker Center.

Opening Remarks

Speaker of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, Joanna McClinton, delivers the evening’s opening remarks and shares a powerful message with the audience: #LiteracyMatters!

The Right to Read - Full Film

This film shares the stories of a courageous activist, a teacher, and two American families who fight to provide our youngest generation with the most foundational indicator of life-long success: the ability to read. With a runtime of 71 minutes, The Right to Read explores the literacy crisis in the United States and highlights evidence-based solutions we can use to address it. Click the play button to download the film, then sit back, relax, and enjoy!

Laura Boyce, Executive Director of Teach Plus PA, moderates a reaction panel featuring Representative Jordan Harris, Representative Jason Ortitay, Senator Lindsey Williams, and Senator Devlin Robinson. While issues arose where opinions differed, one essential fact united them all: #LiteracyMatters and is critical to the success and prosperity of our Commonwealth. Through a bipartisan commitment, we can make PA a leader in literacy outcomes!

Legislator Reaction Panel

Senator Vincent Hughes delivers our evening's closing remarks, calling for the PA General Assembly to pass and invest $100 million in comprehensive, evidence-based literacy policies. He reminds us all that where there’s a will, there’s a way, and that #ItsPossibleinPA!

Flickr Photo Gallery

Closing Remarks

View the photos from the event on our PA Literacy Coalition Flickr page. A big thank you to our valued coalition partner Readby4th and their Communications Director, Simone Partridge for capturing the evening!

Host a Film Screening in Your Community!

The Right to Read is a powerful tool to help audiences learn about the US literacy crisis, the science of reading, and the everyday stories of parents, families, teachers, and community leaders taking action to help their children learn how to read.

The PA Literacy Coalition has made a toolkit that provides step-by-step, easy-to-follow directions to help you host your very own The Right to Read film screening in your community. To get access to the toolkit, email Coalition Manager Rachael Garnick by clicking below.